
“This is my girlfriend, Andrea.”

I’m thinking I should use a still image of her here. Outside somewhere, looking over her shoulder at me with a wide, open-mouth smile, as if she were laughing at a joke or in the middle of  a funny story. It’s late afternoon so the sun is alarmingly bright, giving the image a washed-out effect. She’s facing west, so her face seems to glow. It’s windy, as per usual in San Francisco, and her hair is suspended around her head in wild curls. I imagine she’s wearing those big, dark sunglasses of hers (she’d be squinting too much otherwise).

Is this a real picture? Or did I just make it up? Maybe I’m thinking of something else I’ve seen before.

On second thought, we’ll shoot this. I’ll replay it in slow motion, maybe a little jagged, pausing a frame here and there. She’s walking in front of me, talking, and turning her head to look at me with that big smile. She’ll reach up and push a renegade lock of hair, whipping across her face, behind her ear.

The narration will be something like this:

“This is my girlfriend, Andrea. I think she’s beautiful, amazing and smart.”

There will be music in the background, of course. Something simple, upbeat, but not overly cute or cheery. I’ll let this little scene play for a couple of seconds with just the music and windy hair before I cut to the next scene.

“But I think her most remarkable feature is her sense of humor. She’ll have you on the floor in a second.”

This image will be done the same way: slow motion, no audible dialogue on her part, but she’ll be working on something. Standing at the table maybe, or sitting. Either way, I’ll pan down from her face. She be talking, smiling, looking down at her task. Maybe I’ll pan out instead of down, so you can see her full body without losing her face. When I get to her hands, doing whatever she’s doing, I’ll pause.

“Well, maybe it’s her second-most notable feature.”

She would hate that. She’d kill me. It’s so trite, but I can’t resist. What an impact! Here’s some dude gushing over his girlfriend and we see a pretty woman and are kind of wondering what the point of this is and then bam! We see she only has one hand.

Yeah, she’d hate that. But I think I’ll do it anyway. She’ll understand.